Dag van Engels en Duits




13.30u onthaal + leermiddelenbeurs + netwerkmoment

14.00u workshops beurt 1

15.15u pauze + leermiddelenbeurs + netwerkmoment

15.45u workshops beurt 2

17.00u einde



Deutschlehrende und Deutschstudierende 


Unsere Schüler*innen müssen während fast aller Unterrichtsstunden still sitzen, schweigen und in das Ausfüllbuch schreiben. Wie kann man diesen Trott durchbrechen? Wie schafft man es, dass sich die Schüler*innen auf den Deutschunterricht freuen? Indem wir sie in Bewegung bringen, sie viel sprechen lassen und sie mit den unterschiedlichsten Unterrichtsinhalten überraschen, die eng mit ihren Interessen verknüpft sind.  

Wir bieten vorgefertigte Unterrichtsideen, die sowohl in einstündigen wie mehrstündigen Wochenkursen verwendbar sind. Die Teilnehmer werden die didaktischen Methoden selbst aktiv ausprobieren. Sämtliche Arbeitsblätter und andere kopierbare Materialien werden zur Verfügung gestellt. 

Materiaal door deelnemers mee te brengen
  • A: 14:00 tot 15:15
  • B: 15:45 tot 17:00
  • Stefan Vaes

Im Workshop "Lies doch mal - Motivation für Deutsch mit Texten und Gedichten" entdecken Sie neue Ansätze, um die Lesemotivation Ihrer Schüler zu steigern und ihre Sprachkenntnisse auf spielerische Weise zu vertiefen. Sie erfahren, wie Sie mit inspirierenden Texten und Gedichten nicht nur die Sprachkompetenz fördern, sondern auch Neugier auf Literatur wecken. Unsere erfahrene Trainerin Sabine Merzenich gibt Ihnen praxisnahe Tipps und teilt bewährte Methoden, um die Freude am Lesen in Ihrem DaF-Unterricht zu fördern. "Lies doch mal!" – weil Lesen nicht nur Wissen schafft, sondern auch Begeisterung weckt!

  • A: 14:00 tot 15:15
  • Sabine Merzenich

Leraren secundair onderwijs: 3de graad ASO, BSO, KSO en TSO - 4de graad

Docenten Volwassenenonderwijs

  • Hoe het werk van Jane Austen aantrekkelijk en toegankelijk te maken voor jongeren vandaag (en niet alleen de verfilmingen)
  • Een oudere tekst aandachtig lezen en verbinden met de eigen leefwereld, ervaringen en uitdagingen
We vertrekken van het leven van Jane Austen, de hindernissen die zij moest overwinnen om te kunnen schrijven en hoe die hun vertaling vinden in haar werk, de issues die haar bezighielden (slavernij, feminisme), en tot slot onderzoeken we hoe dat alles kan verbonden worden met de huidige omstandigheden. 

Interactief lesgeven


Graag kennis van het Engels. We werken met de oorspronkelijke teksten, niet met vertalingen. 

  • A: 14:00 tot 15:15
  • B: 15:45 tot 17:00
  • Kristien Hemmerechts
Leraren Secundair onderwijs: 2de graad doorstroomfinaliteit - 3de graad aso, bso, tso, kso

Explore British culture on your very doorstep! Leave your international passport in the drawer and meet us at the Every Man’s Club in Poperinge. Founded in 1915 as an oasis of peace for the Tommies, today it very much remains a British home in Flanders Fields. The House is run by voluntary wardens from across the Commonwealth who are always available for a chinwag and a genuine cup of British/English tea.

Make it a perfect day. Select your preferred workshops from our extensive offer, covering the four skills at various educational levels. Our British guides, our actress and available English teachers have extensive experience in their specific fields of expertise. Although visiting teachers will be involved in all the activities with their classes, no extra preparation is required. We offer complete ready-made educational packages. All of this with an extra whiff of Britishness thrown in.

The experience is aimed at second and third grade pupils of secondary education who will be expected and encouraged to speak in English irrespective of their level - at all times. We will help to correct students' English, but this is not our main object. The ultimate idea is for students to communicate using the language skills they have and at the same time open up the opportunity for them to further develop their command of the English language. Differentiation is possible between groups. But within every group, it remains our object to involve all pupils and offer them fresh opportunities during each and every of the sessions.

So, doubt no more, Haste ye to Pops, the kettle is on…

  • A: 14:00 tot 15:15
  • Simon Louagie
You will leave this workshop with an understanding of the workshops Hello Drama runs for English-learners in secondary schools across Belgium, along with a handful of practical exercises that you can immediately use with your class!
Hello Drama’s British founder Abbie Moore, has been designing and delivering theatre-based workshops for secondary school students learning English, since 2016. In the last 3 years she has worked with over 6000 students in schools all over Belgium and Luxembourg. 
Whether your students are shy, self-conscious, perfectionists, or have little motivation, Hello Drama’s workshops aim to help students overcome their fears of speaking English, and to have fun whilst they are doing so. 
The workshops Abbie runs in schools tick curriculum goals such as: Interaction with a British native speaker, learning about daily life in a different culture and creative expression in the English language. 
Come and join Abbie and experience some of Hello Drama’s workshop activities first-hand. Be prepared to laugh a lot as you work together to decipher codes, find a criminal, clean the ocean, insult each other in Shakespearean English and much more… After all, why should the students have all the fun?
This will be a practical workshop in which participants explore theatre-based activities and escape room style challenges first-hand.
Participants should have a good grasp of the English language as the workshop will be delivered completely in English.
  • B: 15:45 tot 17:00
  • Abbie Moore
While building bridges between traditional education and the future with artificial intelligence, we will dive into the fascinating world of AI tools. 
This is part 1 from workshop 9. Choose this workshop (instead of workshop 9) if you only want to attend the first part.
Do you prefer to attend both parts? Please choose workshop 9!

Inspiring practices for using artificial intelligence in foreign language teaching will give you hands-on ideas you can immediately take to your classroom and own office. We will show you how AI can not only support you as a teacher and act as a great teaching assistant, but we’ll also discover how it can help your student to become a more efficient language learner. 

PART 1 AIdeas for language teachers
In the first part, we focus on AI as a teacher assistant. How can you develop teaching materials, employ differentiation, do more in less time, ...? Practical examples, tips, inspiration and a shortlist of AI tools is what you will have by the end of this workshop. 
We will demonstrate how prompt engineering works, give you tips and tricks to get the most out of working with chatbots and give you a few AI tools to work with, as a teacher, but also useful for your students.
We will share our lesson ideas and suggestions and inspire you to get on that AI train! 
You know something about AI, what it is or can do. If you don’t yet, you can watch this video as an introduction. After that, you are ready for our workshops!
  • A: 14:00 tot 15:15
  • Hannes Pype
  • Jessica Morseau
Gebruik maken van unieke programma’s om leerstof te toetsen of aan te leren.
Na enkele lessen kan het gebruik van een PowerPoint saai worden en een Kahoot kennen leerlingen ondertussen al. Nearpod is een alternatief voor PowerPoint dat meer activiteiten bevat om de geziene leerstof meteen te controleren. Blooket is dan weer een uitgebreidere versie van Kahoot, met meer tools om leren te stimuleren. 


Aan de hand van een nearpod-presentatie en enkele blooket games neem ik jullie mee in de wondere wereld van digitale leermiddelen! Je zal zelf kunnen ontdekken hoe leuk Nearpod & Blooket kunnen zijn en welke voordelen ze hebben.

De blookets en nearpods die getoond worden zijn voornamelijk op Engelse lessen gebaseerd.

Materiaal door deelnemers mee te brengen
Eigen laptop
  • A: 14:00 tot 15:15
  • B: 15:45 tot 17:00
  • Pieter Spriet

While building bridges between traditional education and the future with artificial intelligence, we will dive into the fascinating world of AI tools. 


This is part 2 from workshop 9. Choose this workshop (instead of workshop 9) if you only want to attend the second part.
Do you prefer to attend both parts? Please choose workshop 9!

Inspiring practices for using artificial intelligence in foreign language teaching will give you hands-on ideas you can immediately take to your classroom and own office. We will show you how AI can not only support you as a teacher and act as a great teaching assistant, but we’ll also discover how it can help your student to become a more efficient language learner. 

PART 2 AIdeas for language learners

In part two, we will explore and test how AI can be an asset for our students, being language learners. Being creative with AI, using it as a study buddy, a talking partner, language tool or presenter? We will present the challenges and strengths that AI can have for our students. We will focus on writing good prompts and experiment with AI in the English language classroom.


We will demonstrate how prompt engineering works, give you tips and tricks to get the most out of working with chatbots and give you a few AI tools to work with, as a teacher, but also useful for your students.

We will share our lesson ideas and suggestions and inspire you to get on that AI train! 


You know something about AI, what it is or can do. If you don’t yet, you can watch this video as an introduction. After that, you are ready for our workshops!

  • B: 15:45 tot 17:00
  • Hannes Pype
  • Jessica Morseau

While building bridges between traditional education and the future with artificial intelligence, we will dive into the fascinating world of AI tools. 


This is a double workshop that takes place before and after the break. However, participants can also choose to attend only one of both parts, and combine this with another workshop from the list. Part 1 = workshop 6  / Part 2 = workshop 8

Inspiring practices for using artificial intelligence in foreign language teaching will give you hands-on ideas you can immediately take to your classroom and own office. We will show you how AI can not only support you as a teacher and act as a great teaching assistant, but we’ll also discover how it can help your student to become a more efficient language learner. 

PART 1 AIdeas for language teachers

In the first part, we focus on AI as a teacher assistant. How can you develop teaching materials, employ differentiation, do more in less time, ...? Practical examples, tips, inspiration and a shortlist of AI tools is what you will have by the end of this workshop. 

PART 2 AIdeas for language learners

In part two, we will explore and test how AI can be an asset for our students, being language learners. Being creative with AI, using it as a study buddy, a talking partner, language tool or presenter? We will present the challenges and strengths that AI can have for our students. We will focus on writing good prompts and experiment with AI in the English language classroom.


We will demonstrate how prompt engineering works, give you tips and tricks to get the most out of working with chatbots and give you a few AI tools to work with, as a teacher, but also useful for your students.

We will share our lesson ideas and suggestions and inspire you to get on that AI train! 


You know something about AI, what it is or can do. If you don’t yet, you can watch this video as an introduction. After that, you are ready for our workshops!

  • A: 14:00 tot 15:15
  • B: 15:45 tot 17:00
  • Hannes Pype
  • Jessica Morseau


niet mogelijk


Praktische info


  • woensdag 24 januari 2024
van 14:00u tot 17:00u


KU Leuven Campus Kulak Kortrijk
Etienne Sabbelaan 53
8500 KORTRIJK, België


€ 65,00

Type nascholing

Dag van




  • Gewoon Secundair Onderwijs


  • Leraren en docenten


Maximum aantal deelnemers


